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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Tourist destinations  Lake Toba in the  Samosir Island, most popular in the Province of North Sumatra. Because of this, the area has always attracted travellers, either domestic or foreign tourists. Lake Toba is indeed natural and panoramic views offers a chic, spacious expanse of lakes and mountains green. The Lake has a length of about 90 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide. What are other destinations that you can visit?

Three Charming Destinations On Samosir Island

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Tourists who visit the island of Samosir, can visit the tomb of Raja Sidabutar at Tomok Village, Kecamatan Simanindo, Kabupaten Samosir. There were a few legacy of Kings of Batak in the megalith in the village. In addition, you can also visit the House of Sigale-Gale and Batak Museum.

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Tomok village became a cultural destination, different with the village of Tuk-Tuk, which is about 4 kilometers from the village of Tomok. In this village there are many simple accommodations and luxury hotels. The village also became a center of concentration of foreign tourists on the island of Samosir.

If you want to unwind, you can go to the village of Tuk-Tuk, with the use of a shipcrossing about 40 minutes from the pier Tigaraja, the town of Parapat. But if you want to instantly browse the cultural tours directly to Tomok Village.

Samosir Island Overview

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Samosir island is a volcanic island, which is in the middle of Lake Toba. So the island of Samosir, which is surrounded by the largest lake in Indonesia. The island is located above an altitude of 1000 metres above sea level.

Travelers can also be achieved using a landline, through the town of Pangururan,  capital city of Kabupaten Samosir. In this city there is a bridge, which connects the island of Sumatra and Samosir island. Samosir island is located at Kabupaten Samosir, which is a new area of expansion since 2003. Formerly this island including Kabupaten Toba Samosir.

Other attractions that are worth visiting on the island, Batu Parsidangan in the village of Siallagan. According to the story as a place to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of the crime. In addition, you can visit the beach as a destination place for bathing and fishing.

Tumba  and Tortor Festival 

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
Local government and the Toba Caldera Geopark, in February 2015, held a cultural Festival Tumba Tortor for children and adolescents on the shores of Lake Toba. The term culture with contemporary packaging, it was believed to be a showcase ofart and attract domestic and foreign tourists.

Thousands residents of some areas gathered in the village of Huta Nagodang, Kecamatan Muara, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, which sits right on the edge of Lake Toba. In this region there are some geological outcrop limber tens of thousands to millions of years, which is included in the site is protected as part of Taman Bumi Kaldera Toba.

Tumba Festival or dancing while singing followed 20 elementary school. The Tortor Festival involves 15 high school in North Tapanuli. All participants wear traditional Batak  clothes and ulos. Dozens of foreign tourists also attended the Festival.

Tumba Festival and Tortor held, as the importance of the preservation area of the caldera campaign Toba as world heritage. The Government wants to involve the community to participate in support of Geopark Toba Caldera, entered into Global Geopark Network (GGN) to UNESCO.

Cultural Tourism In The Samosir Island
So that will give a lot of advantages in the sectors of infrastructure construction, infrastructure, tourism, and economic progress. Currently the less young people of Batak, who can dance and sung Batak tortor. The conditions that encourage the festival was held. Through the arts will bring up tourism, education-based, ecological, economicand creative.

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