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Thursday, April 2, 2015

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
While you are on holiday to Yogyakarta, don't forget to browse through the various temples in Yogyakarta. Not only the building is unique and worth a high art, but from this area you can also enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings. Very suitable for pre wedding location. What are exotic temples in Yogyakarta, which to this day can still be visited?

Kalasan Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
This temple has a beautiful shape and loaded with historical value. You can find it by visiting the village of Kalibening village, Kecamatan Tirtamartani, Kabupaten Sleman. There are three important parts of this temple, the temple roof, body and foot.

Kalasan Temple is including the Buddhist temple. At the top of the Temple found the tree gods, paintings of clouds and showing the dwellers playing musical instruments, like camara, rebab and kendang. A cube located in the roof, which is believed to be the top of Mount Sumeru.

Sewu Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
Architecture of the Sewu Temple similar to Prambanan Temple. This temple is the biggest Buddhist temple, after the Borobudur Temple in Muntilan, Central Java. Not as the name implies, this temple is not totalled sewu 
(Javanese which means one thousand). Because in this temple complex found only 257 temples. The main temple was only one, while the others temple  amounting to 8 and the other is the Temple of the preachers.

Sewu Temple  is located at Prambanan Valley. The Valley stretches from the slopes of Mount Merapi, on the border between the province of Yogyakarta and Klaten, Central Java. Since experiencing the terrible earthquake, on May 26, 2006, some temple building suffered damage. But it still looks gorgeous.

Prambanan Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, and belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage site. This temple is also a very popular tourist destination, both for local and international tourists. Another mention of this temple is the Temple of Roro Jonggrang. 

Because in addition to beautiful, this temple also has its own history, which became legend. Where the construction of this temple is related, with a great sense of love Bandung Bondowoso to Roro Jonggrang.

This Hindu temple located in the village of Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta Province. There are three main temple at the Hindu temple complex, namely Shiva temple, Temple of Brahma and Vishnu Temple. 

The building's overall total reached 224 units. The splendor of the building of this temple feels just like You're in a Kingdom. Prambanan Temple was built  in 850 AD. Its soaring upwards in accordance with Hindu beliefs.

Ratu Boko Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
Not far from the Prambanan Temple is Ratu Boko Temple, a very graceful on the South side. This temple complex area reaching 25 hectares. The shape looks different from other temples, because is more like building the Royal Palace. In this temple, you not only enjoy the charming architecture, but you can also see the beautiful sunset.

Sambisari Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
The temple is located on the East side of the city. The temple complex is very unique, as it is under the soil as deep as 6,5 metres. In addition to the main temple, there are also three temples nearby. The exterior of the temple is surrounded by a border wall. Based on studies of the temple, was built between 813 until 838 AD.

Before the temple was rediscovered, buried in the ground. If the curious with the process of excavation, reconstruction process and various relics of the temple, like abronze statue, and can see it in the special building near the temple.

Ijo Temple

6 Exotic Temples In Yogyakarta
Although the name ' Ijo ' is green, the temple is black. Because it was built from rocks. Its location is on the East of Yogyakarta, about 18 km from the city centre. This temple is on top of Ijo Dune in the village of Sambirejo, Kecamatan Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman. This reached a height of 410 meters. So his name is associated with the location of its establishment.

The building of this temple was decorated beautifully and magnificent panoramic views. When you enter into the gate of the temple, then it will be pampered with a carving, as the mouth of a giant snake-shaped body with a dragon. The temple complex of 17 buildings, save that found in 11 terraces.

Browse the beautiful temple which lies in Yogyakarta is a fun and exciting adventure. Each temple has a different charm. Very suitable to fill the vacation while reliving the glories and the ancestral civilizations in ancient times. The message immediately or train tickets and hotel your favorite, so that your vacation more enjoyable.

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