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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Papua has the typical souvenirs, which became an attraction for foreign tourists. Therefore, this unique gift can bring a new known world. Papua is indeed has a number of unique and rare souvenirs. Noken, the koteka, bow and arrow, is a souvenir typical of Papua that is frequently hunted tourists abroad. In each district in Papua had souvenirs shop. Interested in visiting Papua Island and buy souvenirs typical? 

What are souvenirs and uniqueness of Papua which you can explore? Bring the souvenirs are as sign, if you've been visiting Papua. For local residents, ataken home various souvenirs of foreign tourists, could help introduce the Papua cultures to the world.

Noken Most Preferred Foreign Tourists

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Communities have distinctive traditions and culture.  Noken, typical craft this function like a bag to carry a variety of convenience items a day. Uniquely, Noken are made of wood fiber, so durable. Therefore, Noken unlike bag or cloth, not easily torn. So, the tourists who come to take it back, because this Noken specifically from Papua. 

The unique thing is, how to use the noken unlike bags in general. When the bag is generally assumed, then use using head. Uniquely, this craft results should only be made by the people of Papua ands ymbolizes a woman's local grow up. Because, if the women could not make it, then the woman has not yet considered mature.

For mind, Noken has registered to UNESCO, as one of the works of traditional and cultural heritage of the world, on 4 December 2012. The souvenir is defined as not objects of cultural heritage of UNESCO.

The Reason Tourists Love Papua

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Papua is called a haven in eastern Indonesia is frequently visited by foreign tourists. What is the reason they love to Papua? The lives of communities that are simple, being one of the reasons foreign tourists love to visit the island of Indonesia's second-largest.

In addition to the simple life of the people, various natural uniqueness of Papua, also became an attraction for foreign tourists. As a source of salt water in the Baliem valley, the suspension bridge, the mummy, the waterfall Tinggima and  waterfall  Napuah and various other uniqueness.

Typical traditional houses in Papua could indeed be used, as it is unique. They are lessf ond of staying at hotels with adequate facilities. Many foreign tourists prefer to live in traditional houses for rent. The House was the home of residents who rent to foreign tourists. Room rates are very affordable, thus supporting adventure travelers are getting exciting, fun and memorable.

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