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Monday, March 30, 2015

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia (Part 2)

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia

Regions of Indonesia are equipped with a variety of exotic mountains. Its beauty is not just hypnotize locals, but also foreign tourists. In a previous article, has presented The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia (Part 1). The following six other prettiest mountain, which has extraordinary beauty.

Mount Papandayan In West Java

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
Mount Papandayan is located in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. This mountain has altitude of 2.665 meters. Papandayan has crater that is still active. So it looks still often scatter sulfur. During the climb, you can enjoy views of the very beautiful Edelweiss.

The effects of an eruption and the trees to dry out, making the climbing activity becomes more interesting. Because of the beauty of Mount Papandayan, attracts people for use as a pre wedding photos.

Mount Rinjani In Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
This mountain is the second highest mountain in Indonesia. With a height reaching 3.726 meters. In addition to Mountaintop, frequently visited places is Segara Anakan. Segara Anakan is a lake situated at an altitude of 2,000 metres. Lombok's inhabitants have a tradition of visiting the Segara Anakan, to soak in the outdoor hot springs and fishing.

Very beautiful view of the mountain peaks. If the weather is nice, Mount Agung in Bali, Mount Ijen in Banyuwangi and Volcano-mount Tambora in Sumbawa, can be seen clearly from the top of Mount Rinjani. You can find the hot springs and waterfalls Sendang Gile in Senaru.

Mount Argopuro In East Java

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Mount Argopuro in Jember, East Java. Argopuro mountain is the longest track in Java. Landscape is very diverse and very eksotid. You can find the beautiful savanna. The river water is very clear. There is a lake called Danau Taman Hidup. The animals found are very diverse, such as deer, wild boar, langur, monkeys and more. 

Mount Kelimutu In East Nusa Tenggara

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
Mount Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara.  One of the causes of this mountain looks very beautiful, because there are three Crater Lake at the Summit. The Lake is famous for its three different colors, so called Danau Tiga Warna.

Mount Ijen In East Java

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
Ijen volcano is an active volcano, which is located on the border of Bondowoso and Banyuwangi, East Java. This mountain has an altitude of 2.443 meters. The most famous beauty is the Ijen crater. Beautiful blend between a green crater and rocks are white, showing the beauty.

Puncak Jaya In Papua

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
Puncak Jaya  is a peak which became part of Sudirman, in Papua Province, Indonesia. Puncak Jaya has altitude 4,884 meters and in the surroundings there is the glacier Carstenzs. This tropical glacier only found in Indonesia. This peak was named in Poentjak Sukarno and as the highest mountain in Oceania.

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