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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
The beach offering beauty views and fun. Strongly support your traveling with a loved one. Not only that, it turns out by visiting the coast could provide benefits to health. Journal of Environmental Psychology, proving the benefits of traveling to the beach. J. Aaron Hipp, Ph.d., who is one of the researchers, explains the benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of traveling to the beach.

Free Vitamin D From Sun Exposure

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
The sunlight in the morning is very beneficial for health. Because it contains vitamin D, which is very beneficial for the growth of bones and teeth. Does exposure to sunlight during the day, very dangerous. Because it could result in damage to the skin and can also cause skin cancer attack. But it's different, when you get it in the morning.

Vitamin D plays an important role in absorbing calcium, so could form strong bones. Based on recommendations from the Mayo Clinic, with exposure to sunlight in the morning for about 10 minutes, already sufficient the needs of vitamin D, in one day. Vitamin D can also increase production of endorphins hormones and protects the body from disease attacks autoimune.

Walk In The Sand Could Strengthen Leg Muscles

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
Scientific research proves, if walking or running on sand beaches, very useful for the strength of leg muscles. In this activity, a person requires energy to 2.5 more, than people who walk or jog on a solid surface. For maximum results, it is advised to not wearing footwear.

In the book, Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? ", written by MartinZuncker, explaining if on foot, barefoot may energize significant, to evoke a mood. The energy that flows from within the Earth, into the body.

Detoxify And Improve Heart Health By Swimming

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
In the water the sea contained a variety of minerals such as iodine, ptassium and magnesium. Some types of the minerals, highly beneficial in the treatment of infections, detoxifying and tools as a the rapeutic effect. So if you are visiting the beach, allowing for swimming, squeeze in for a swim to improve the health of the heart and other organs. The more often you swim, the lower the potential for a heart attack.

Swim Casual Relieving Anxiety, Depression And Stress

Health Benefits Of Traveling To The Beach
Can swim better body build muscle. In addition, it is very effective in relieving anxiety, depression and stress. A comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, very powerful to expelfatigue da saturation, for a variety of daily activities. Came with loved ones, the more it makes you happier.

Probably still a lot of other benefits, which do not have written in this article. In order that this information is always more perfect and complete, please add a variety of other benefits with day trips to the beach. A variety of charming beaches can be visited, in Indonesia there are many exotic beaches, which could be your next destination. Some exotic beaches in Indonesia, read The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung

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