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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung (Part 1)

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
Bangka Belitung is rich of beautiful beaches. This natural beauty captivated many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. The natural conditions are well-kept and quiet atmosphere, to make your vacation more memorable. Following this, some of the most beautiful  beaches in Bangka Belitung.

Rebo Beach

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
This beach is located on Bangka precisely in Sungailiat. The beach i has the perfect atmosphere. Although this beach is a former tin mining excavations, but there are still many tourists visit it. Because they wanted a beautiful atmosphere of a quiet nature.

The fishing activity easily found on this beach. So the tourists can see the beauty of nature and the countryside and fishermen. To be able to enjoy the beauty of this beach, you will not be charged an entrance fee.

Penyusuk Beach

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
A beautiful natural atmosphere very pronounced, because not much touched by human. Penyusuk beach is located in the village of Penyusuk, district Belinyu. Beaches and natural rocks, decorated this overlap. Make this beach a lot of tourists visit it. 

Because of the beauty of the beaches and the clarity of the sea water, making it very enchanting scenery. Almost all parts of the beach are the creations of nature that occurs naturally.

Punai Beach 

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
The beach is located in Belitung. Journey time is approximately 1.5 hours from Tanjung Pandan. This Punai Beach is one of the pristine beaches and natural feel of highly viscous. It has a vast expanse of white sand. So luring tourists to visit it.

Although the beach is not too great and the facilities are lacking, not least the travelers who come from various areas in Indonesia and abroad. The advantages of this beach are the crystal-clear water and the scent of the sea are still very fresh. So add this brings the atmosphere, when visiting Punai Beach.

Lengkuas Beach 

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
Lengkuas Beach is a white sand beaches, with clear sea water. This beach is located at Belitung. There are some small granite islands around it, which can be reached by swimming or walking. Across the sea-water depth less than 1.5 metres.

This beach has facilities provided by nature. Natural and beautiful scenery, making it very interesting to visit. This beach is located on the island of Lengkuas that is around it, there are many small islands. You can reach the island, walking in the sea water or swimming. It is suitable for travelers who love adventure, and enjoy the feel of natural and of course the beach is very interesting to visit.

Teluk Uber  Beach

This beach is located on Bangka Island, on the Sungai Liat. At this beach you found many rocks lay, on the sea or on the edge of the sea. So that adds to the charm of nature more beautiful. The Beach has a very clear water, clear as crystal. The beach is not too popular among tourists, but you can make it an interesting place to visit.

Why this beach is well worth the visit? This is because the natural nuance is very strong in this area. A variety of natural beauty, such as rocks, white sand, and the aroma of beautiful sea, became a value added which makes tourists happy.

Those are The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung part first. There are five beaches more, which has beautiful natural charm. Surely it is very worthy of being your destination, while in Bangka Belitung. Check out the following beautiful beaches at The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung (Part 2).

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