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Saturday, April 11, 2015

10 Highest Mountain Peak In Indonesia

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Indonesia has many high mountains, which are very challenging to conquered. The height of the mountain tops are very popular, to foreign countries. No wonder, if the mountain range became a favorite of the mountaineers from various countries. The following is a list of the highest mountain peaks In Indonesia.

Puncak Jaya In Papua

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Cartenz Pyramid is another term for Puncak Jaya. It became the highest point in Indonesia and Oceania. Puncak Jaya is part of the Sudirman Range or mountain ranges in Papua. The altitude of this mountain peak reaches 4,884 meters.

Because of this very high mountain peaks, then the upper part has always been shrouded in snow. Whereas most regions in Indonesia there is no snow. Being the highest mountain in Oceania, Puncak Jaya and included in the list of the 7 Summits.

Puncak Mandala In Papua

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Puncak Mandala is also located in the territory of Papua. High mountain peak reaches 4,750 meters. The mountain is included in the Jayawijaya Mountains, located to the East of Papua. During the 1990s, these mountain peaks are still covered in snow. But the effects of global warming, causing snow to melt. The snow is no longer visible, since 2003. But it remains a severe challenge for most mountaineers to prevailed.

Puncak Trikora  In Papua 

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Puncak Trikora  or Wilhemina Peak is located in the East of the Sudirman. This Summit was initially shrouded in snow. Unfortunately since 1962, snow is not seen again in the mountain peaks. The height of this mountain peaks reaching 4,750 meters. Previously it was considered the second-highest in Indonesia. But data from the Shuttle RadarTopograhy (SRTM) notes, the height of the mountain is still below the peak of Mandala.

Ngga Pilimsit Mountain In Papua

Ngga Pilimsit  located in the highest mountains in Papua. This mountain has an altitude of 4,717 meters. This mountain was formerly known as Mount Idenburg. The location of the mountain is located west of Maoke mountains, Papua. Ngga Pilimsit  from a distance of Puncak Jaya, just revolved around 21 kilometres, leading to the East Sea.

Mount Kerinci In Jambi

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Mount Kerinci has an elevation of 3,805 meters reach. The mountain is noted as the tallest mountain in the region of Sumatra. Mount Kerinci is the habitat of various rare animals, such as the Sumatran Rhinoceros and the Sumatran tiger. The location of the mountain is located in the Bukit Barisan mountains. Administratively in Jambi and West Sumatra.

Mount Rinjani In Nusa Tenggara Barat

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
The mountain is a favorite destination on the island of Lombok. Many argue, if it has the most beautiful views of the mountains in Indonesia. The mountain reaches a height of 3,726 meters. Segara Anak can be found in this mountain area. 

The heat that comes from the base of Mount Rinjani, resulting in the air in the area of the mountain is not too cold. A mix of mountain and craters that are very beautiful, very alluring mountain climbers, including the photography lovers.

Mount Semeru in East Java

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
The altitude of this mountain reached 3,676 meters. Mount Semeru or Mahameru is the highest mountain on the island of Java. The ascent is very difficult and it takes time for four days. You can follow the path of ascent from the region of Malang or Malang, East Java.

Mount Sanggar In  Nusa Tenggara Barat

The mountain is situated in the complex of mountains, which also found mount Rinjani. The mountain is located in the region of Lelongken, has elevations up to 3,492 meters. This mountain is indeed unpopular, such as mount Rinjani. But the beauty of pace is very beautiful, very worthy for you to explore.

Mount Rantemario In South Sulawesi

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Another term for this is Mount Rantemario Feathers. The altitude of this mountain reached 3,478 metres, which is the highest peak on the island of Sulawesi. The beauty of nature on the mountain top is very alluring. Very eyes and challenge, for the mountaineers.

Mount Slamet In Central Java

10 Highest Mountain  Peak In Indonesia
Mount Slamet is one of the very popular climbing destination on the island of Java. The volcano is still active, which could erupt at any time. It lies on the border of Pemalang, Tegal, Brebes, Banyumas and Purbalingga. The scenery on the mountain is very beautiful. Terrain ascent to the Summit of this mountain is very difficult. But it is very challenging, for the mountaineers, who come from various regions and abroad.

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