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Friday, March 20, 2015

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
Dieng Plateau is believed to be the place of the gods and goddesses. Whether this belief is a mere myth or fact? The plateau is located at the border between Banjarnegara district and Wonosobo district, Central Java, Indonesia. The area is filled with a number of smaller temples are scattered so endearing. What are beauty and uniqueness that is present in the highlands of the volcano?

The Mysterious Story Wrapped In Beauty

You can visit Dieng Plateau Theater to find out information about the happenings of nature in the Dieng. The cinema can accommodate about 100 people. Decorated with comfortable and beautiful park that is perfect for relaxing while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

' Dieng ' is a translation of the Sanskrit ' Di ' high place and  ' Hyang  ' meaningful  place of gods and goddesses. So has the meaning as the indwelling of God and goddess. Another opinion mean ' Dieng ' with the Java language. 

The word is derived from the word ' Adi ' which means beautiful and ' Aeng  '  meaningful  strange. The local community has its own meaning on the name ' Dieng ' as a beautiful place full of spirituality.

This plateau is like a ' country above the clouds '. It lies at an elevation of 2000 mdpl, very reasonable if the air is very fresh and cool, and always covered in thick fog. This extraordinary beauty believed, if elected to the Dieng gods and goddesses as a sacred area at once place.

The phenomenon of the child's Hobo dreadlocks gives its own uniquestory. Believed the boy was a gift from God that must be grateful. If the hair trimmedgo by force, then the child could suffer sickly. This usually dreads going to grow when the age grow one to two years.

Visit The Unique Hindu Temple

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
In the Dieng, you can see boiling mud that could emit bubbles, thick fog and sulphur lakes with bright colors. Supernatural power feels so thick on the highest plateau in Central Java. So the story of mysterious birth as the other side of the natural beauty of Dieng.

Hindu temples at Dieng applying a unique and beautiful architecture. The temple's name is taken from the story of Mahabrata who is very popular in Indonesia, such as Shikhandi, Arjuna, Bhima, and Ghatotkacha. Unbelievable variety of temples that was formerly the residence of pastor who spread the religion of Hinduism.

Its natural charm very luring tourists from home and abroad. Not only presents a unique Temple, but there are also many lakes are colored yellow and green, the water is so clear so that it can be used to reflect. Mirror Lake is a beautiful natural phenomenaare so amazing. It lies at an elevation very affectionate if missing views of sunrise and sunset in Dieng Plateau.

Tips On Trip In Dieng Plateau

Wear a sweater  in the Dieng is very important. Because the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius temperature range throughout the day. For those unfamiliar, it will feel very cold. When will leave this place, it is advisable not to go at dusk. Because this area is always covered in dense fog since the afternoon.

Overnight At Dieng

Located in the Dieng a day or even a stay is exciting and fun memories. You can rent ahotel and a small inn located in the vicinity of Dieng. It could also rent a House with residents who normally leased with a relatively affordable price.

Connections To Dieng

You can go to visit by riding motorcycles or private car and public transportation. When taken from Yogyakarta can take about 3 hours, while the town of Wonosobo is about 25 km.

If using public transport from Yogyakarta can choose a bus heading for Magelang and Wonosobo majors are encouraged by bus. From here the trip continues with a minibus heading for the village of Dieng. The sights can be reached on foot, once you arrive at Dieng Village.

Landmark Tours You Must Visit

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
A number of landmark bringing beautiful site. What are interesting destinations that you can visit with loved ones?

·         The Temple Complex

The entire temple building in the Highlands is to apply the existing temple architecture in India. Architectural styles appear on the row of statues, such as Agastya, Durga,Ganesha,Nandi Mardini Swara Mahesasura and Mahakala. Candi Arjuna in the Dieng temple architecture is very similar to Bhintargaon in India. While the Temple architectural touches like Semar get Parasurameswara Temple in India.

·         Bukit Sikunir Dieng

View of the sunrise in the area witnessed the most beautiful area's Dieng. This Hill is located at an altitude reaching 2,200 mdpl. Its position is on the South side and is located in the village of Sembungan. The village is believed to be the highest on the island of Java. 

The orange color that radiates from the rising sun presents an exquisite charm. It's similar to the light color of Saffron, so that locals call it ' Sikunir ' Hill. This is the name of the Java language to mean turmeric.

·         Telaga Warna Dieng

The quietness in the Dieng Plateau so beautiful that its water can be fickle. You can browse the fringe this lake or can sit back in a small balcony to enjoy the charms of this nature. If you want to witness the charm of the Lake it thoroughly, it could climb to the top of the Hill. From this height, the beauty of the Telaga Warna is increasingly luring with a display of gradations in colour.

The water of this lake is very unique, because sometimes have a yellow and green, but sometimes it can change colors like a rainbow. This natural phenomenon could occur because of the sulfur contained in them is very high. With a hot sun moments so touching it, then the color of the water of the Lake looks  colorful. Explosion of boiling water will be visible in the middle of this Lake.

·         Telaga Cebong Dieng

The Lake is located at an altitude of 2,300 mdpl in the village Sembungan. Its position is very high, as if the Lake is above the clouds. A very enchanting natural harmony is very suitable to be used as a camping area. The blue of the sky is collaborating with the green hills of reflecting off the water to the surface of the pool crystal clear and calm.

Walking around the lake or climb the boat is a fun way to enjoy the beauty of this Lake. You will feel a boat ride on the mountain. This pool of water not mixed with sulfur. So the color of the water is very clean and clear. Water depth between the 2 meters to 4 meters. For the hobby of fishing, you can vent the craze in this Lake.

·         Well Of Jalatunda

The well is located in the Western region, more precisely in the village of Pekasiran. With regard to the origin of this growing well many versions of the story. But based on scientific studies, Wells green thick and diameter ranged 90 meters is kepundan that occur due to volcanic eruptions which took place millions of years ago.

A myth grew that Jalatunda Well Tuck said that in ancient times there was a beautiful princess who likes wearing all-white clothing, but to behave maliciously. This fairest daughter often asks the sacrifice on local citizens to be killed and then sunk in the wells.

That could be in this old wells, you must pass the 257 steps. Once on the highest rung, we will see a stretch of gravel pile with pedestal sacks of rice. Based on the trust of citizens, people who can throw pebbles into the well with a certain distance, then was able to obtain fortune, including the roosters will all dreams.

The lucky stones cannot be taken for free, because you have to buy it from the children of offers near the well. For one gravel was sold at a price of 500 rupiahs. Can't wait it to visit Dieng Plateau? Immediately Plan Your adventure at the place of the gods and goddess. Don't forget to bring a camera, best seller charms Dieng strongly deserves to memorialized.

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