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Friday, March 20, 2015

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
See dolphins in the seas off, certainly give different sensations. Moreover, You can reach hundreds and can be seen so close. Enjoy a group of dolphins, which seemed to be dancing on the sea. You can see it with the distance from the top of the outrigger boat in Kiluan Bay.

The Beauty Of Kiluan Bay 

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
Kiluan Bay located in the village of Kiluan the country, district Kelumbayan, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. The parade of dolphins that are decorated with crystal clear sea water, the blue of the sky, and the white sand in the ledges of beaches .

This bay is the migration routes for two types of dolphins, such as Stenella longirostris, (Dolphinbeak length) and Tursiops truncatus (dolphins mouth bottle). Estimated number of dolphins that crosses this region reach thousands. So it is considered to be the largest in the world.

Unique and rare charm that brought to this, making the Gulf of Kiluan became the new nature tourism destinations in the Southern District of Lampung. It revolves around 80 km from the Centre of the city of Bandar Lampung. Exotic atmosphere in the Bay of Kiluan not only lure local tourists, but also foreign tourists.

Ten years ago, the name of the Bay is not popular, even for the people of Lampung, Sumatera Island, Indonesia. But now more and more popular, as the number of media that had coverage and bloggers who repeatedly pouring its beauty in their blog.

Dolphin Attraction Is A Very Exotic

 attraction is very exotic, compared in Lovina Beach Bali. Because in Lovina beach there is only one type of dolphins only. Interesting attractions to a group of dolphins can be seen every day, depending on the weather. As if would like to welcome guests coming, dolphins will approach the boat of jukung you crash while doing its flagship attraction.

To witness this Dolphin attractions, it only takes about 20 minutes from the coast. You can rent a boat, to head for the Gulf region. Boat are latively small size it can only accommodate three tourists and one tour guide while the owner of the boat.

Transportation To Kiluan Bay

The Bay is approximately 80 km from the Centre of Town is Bandar Lampung. It takes at least 3 to 4 hours for the distance traveled. You cross the street in the area is hilly and meandering. Most roads are still found in the condition of inadequate, so the trip seemed less comfortable. In order for a vehicle that's very supportive of field roads, it is recommended not to drive a city car. It comes in the dry season are more appropriate, than a visit in the rainy season.

Road conditions are inadequate, but views are present in all the way so enchanting. Especially for you a very nostalgic feel of a rustic nature that is still beautiful. Rice fieldon the right and left of the Green and cool look is seen eyes. The air along the way cooler and cleaner. The trees and hills in the distance look increasingly add to the beauty of nature.

When going up in the tourist area of this home, there is a multiethnic local population that is very unique to enshrined. Because of the region's various ethnic, because living becomes the purpose of resettlement by the Government some twenty years ago. A number of ethnic Bugis, Sundanese is found, Javanese, Balinese and other ethnic groups. Different ethnicity, though they can live tenets.

If you are coming from the port of Bakahueni, could use a bus heading Rajabasa, ratesranged from 20 thousand. Then proceed to Bandar Lampung with it takes about two hours. After arriving in Bandar Lampung at Times beams, can continue to travel aboarda Kiluan journey, the fare is about 50 thousand. From here the trip will require time for 3 to 4 hours.

In order to be able to see dolphins up close, you can rent a boat with tariffs ranging from 250 thousand to three people. This boat rental duration ranges from 2 to 3 hours. During the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. is the most appropriate time. Because usually the dolphins would be more easily found.

Accommodation Around The Kiluan Bay 

In order to stay at this tourist area, you can rent a homestay is simple but still feels comfortable.  Homestay rates range 150 thousand per room. Homestay can be occupied for up to six people. on the island there are also homestay is simple Kiluan with 4 rooms. The charge is also the same rate per room is about 150 thousand rupiahs only.

Enjoy The Exotic Scenery On The Island Of Kiluan

Kelapa Island or the island of Kiluan is another interesting destinations in addition to the Gulf of Kiluan. The island only has an area of about 6 hectares, but looks very attractive. To get to the island is only takes about 15 minutes. Jukung is transport that can be used from the village of Kiluan of the country. This boat ride cost ranged from 15 thousand rupiahs per person.

While on the island, you will feel the beauty, tranquility and peace. White sand, sea water gradations ranging from dark blue to blue toska so very enchanting. The island is also a popular Kiluan has a lush tropical trees. So it is in the area of the island is so cooland comfortable.

The Best Tips For Visiting The Kiluan Bay

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
When the dry season is the most appropriate time to visit the Kiluan Bay. The dry season usually lasts from April until September. As the rainy season arrived, the road conditions are inadequate, so the trip will be hampered.

So that your arrival is not vain, note the weather is to keep can watch dolphins attractions. You can ask this homestay Manager who understands the proper weather conditions. While this charming tourist destinations, you will be faced with a very challenging natural conditions.

Don't forget to provide anti-inflammatory drugs other drugs or intoxicated, if often have travel sickness. Before heading for the Gulf region, take the provision of sufficient food and drink. Because the area is very rare stalls or food stores.

Wear sunblock is strongly recommended for the protection of the skin from exposure to the scorching sun. Don't forget to bring a change of clothes and dry pack in order tosave the electronics, such as cameras, cell phones and so on. Jukung used size length is about 2.5 metres and its width ranges from 45 cm only. If you're a less wily swim, preferably wearing a live vest jacket.

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