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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
Increse in foreign tourists visit, continue to be supported by the Government of the city of Yogyakarta. How to increase cultural tourism, which is still a magnet for foreign tourists. Curious to indulge in cultural tourism in Yogyakarta? You plan a trip soon, by choosing the right hotel and transportation.

Czech Tourists And Japan Like The Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
Foreign tourists are very interested in the indigenous culture of Yogyakarta. Especially the daily life of the community. Therefore, the Government will continue to improve this specific interest, through tourism has been developed. Tourists coming from the Czech Republic and Japan are very interested in following this cultural tourism.

Tourists travelling through the village, in the riverbanks, as The Code River favored  by Japan tourists. While the Czech tourists like visiting to Dipowinatan. The number of tourist Kampong in Yogyakarta recently, recorded 18 wards. But the Government is ready to provide facilitation and mentoring, if any society that proposes the creation of a new tourist village.

The Government Continues To Develop New Tourism

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
A number of potential that could appear in them, such as Kauman village. That is located around the Palace. The village has a unique history and culture. So that it can become a new tourist destination in Yogyakarta.

In 2014, the number of tourists coming to the city of Yogyakarta, was recorded as many as 3 million people. About 10 percent are foreign tourists. Increase in foreign tourists will be even greater, given the related service, the Government continues to improve its services and tourist facilities. Including developing a variety of new tourist destinations.

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
In addition to developing tourism, the Government will add to the traditional arts schedules, into two weeks. Including deploying artistry in every neighborhood. This action in an effort to realize the village culture and the cultural village.

The tourism sector continued to play a role in the world economy in the city of Yogyakarta. Because of this, the tourism sector provides many benefits. Not only to the service sector, such as a hotel but also to the community. Moreover, tourism is also encouraging the development of arts and culture.

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