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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua

Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Souvenirs And Uniqueness Of Papua
Papua has the typical souvenirs, which became an attraction for foreign tourists. Therefore, this unique gift can bring a new known world. Papua is indeed has a number of unique and rare souvenirs. Noken, the koteka, bow and arrow, is a souvenir typical of Papua that is frequently hunted tourists abroad. In each district in Papua had souvenirs shop. Interested in visiting Papua Island and buy souvenirs typical? 

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung (Part 2)

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
In a previous article, you will find The MostBeautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung (Part 1). This time, you will get a reference to the five most beautiful beaches of the island that famous as a producer of tin and pepper. What are the beautiful beaches that adorn the region of Bangka Belitung?

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung (Part 1)

The Most Beautiful Beaches In Bangka Belitung
Bangka Belitung is rich of beautiful beaches. This natural beauty captivated many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. The natural conditions are well-kept and quiet atmosphere, to make your vacation more memorable. Following this, some of the most beautiful  beaches in Bangka Belitung.

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists

Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
Cultural Tourism In Yogyakarta Favored Foreign Tourists
Increse in foreign tourists visit, continue to be supported by the Government of the city of Yogyakarta. How to increase cultural tourism, which is still a magnet for foreign tourists. Curious to indulge in cultural tourism in Yogyakarta? You plan a trip soon, by choosing the right hotel and transportation.

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia (Part 2)

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia

Regions of Indonesia are equipped with a variety of exotic mountains. Its beauty is not just hypnotize locals, but also foreign tourists. In a previous article, has presented The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia (Part 1). The following six other prettiest mountain, which has extraordinary beauty.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia (Part 1)

The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
The Most Beautiful Mountain In Indonesia
Indonesia is known have a lot of mountains. Its natural beauty is so stunning, it's no wonder many people to climbing. The Mountaineers are not only local, but also the climbers from various countries. Every mountain has a unique beauty. What are the most beautiful mountain in Indonesia?

Breakups! Traveling Can Handle It

Breakups! Traveling Can Handle It
Breakups! Traveling Can Handle It
Breakups is indeed awful, especially if you actually still harbored a sense of love. For those who are heartbroken, protracted grief don't save. Must immediately move on. To drive away sadness with traveling to various places to visit. Who knows in a way, you find a new lover who is better. Why traveling is becoming a solution for a broken heart?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '

Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
Explore The Land Above The Clouds ' Dieng Plateau '
Dieng Plateau is believed to be the place of the gods and goddesses. Whether this belief is a mere myth or fact? The plateau is located at the border between Banjarnegara district and Wonosobo district, Central Java, Indonesia. The area is filled with a number of smaller temples are scattered so endearing. What are beauty and uniqueness that is present in the highlands of the volcano?

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay

Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
Dance With Dolphins In Kiluan Bay
See dolphins in the seas off, certainly give different sensations. Moreover, You can reach hundreds and can be seen so close. Enjoy a group of dolphins, which seemed to be dancing on the sea. You can see it with the distance from the top of the outrigger boat in Kiluan Bay.